Be kind, engage, inspire!

Helping a Homeless Woman Living in Her Car in Leesburg, Virginia
Juan Arevalo, a friend I know from our high school days, called me last week with palpable concern in his voice. Kathy, a lady he used to work with, became homeless overnight.
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Paying For Strangers Gas In Virginia
In a world often bustling and disorderly, a simple act of kindness wields remarkable power. This truth shines brightly through the recent "Best You Best Me" project.
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Zero to Ultramarathon in 10 Weeks – My First Race Ever
We’re often told that undertaking extreme endeavors unlocks our latent potential. Yet, hearing about something and actually doing it stand miles apart.
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Kindness in Action: A Day of Giving Back in Winchester
A couple of years back, I heard about some homeless folks who were living under a bridge in Winchester. It really touched my heart, and I felt this strong urge to do something to help them out.
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Supporting Families Affected by Earthquakes in Turkey
Two devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, leaving a trail of destruction and heartbreak. Over 50,000 lives were lost, and millions were left without shelter, family, and even the most fundamental necessities.
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Saving A Turtle In The Middle Of The Road
Driving home one day, I saw a small turtle trying to cross a busy road. Cars had almost hit it multiple times before my eyes, and I thought it would not have survived without human kindness. So I turned around to help a tiny creature get where it wanted.
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An Inspiring Story About Overcoming Bullying
This is an inspiring story about Jackson, who is overcoming bullying with the help of his family, friends, and Boyce's Martial Arts Academy.
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A $500 Christmas Tip for the Most Awesome Waiter We Ever Met
My wife Eve and I love discovering new restaurants and cuisines in our city of Leesburg, Virginia. This time, just before Christmas, we went to dinner at Ford's Fish Shack. Esmar, our waiter, was extremely attentive and friendly.
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We Tipped $1000 at the Restaurant where I Washed Dishes as a Kid
When I was thirteen, I got a job washing dishes at a restaurant. Thirty-five years later, I went back there with the Best You Best Me team and the intention of doing an act of kindness.
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Kindness and stories of hope in McDowell County
For the last several years, BYBM has visited McDowell with one goal: to help improve the lives of residents. Each time, we strive to create a bigger and better event than the last.
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